Jobs Steps Down at Apple, Saying He Can’t Meet Duties

Jobs Steps Down at Apple, Saying He Can’t Meet Duties


SAN FRANCISCO — Steven P. Jobs, whose insistent vision that he knew what consumers wanted made Apple one of the world’s most valuable and influential companies, is stepping down as chief executive, the company announced late Wednesday.

“I have always said that if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know,” Mr. Jobs said in a letter released by the company. “Unfortunately, that day has come.”

Mr. Jobs, 56, has been on medical leave since January, his third such absence. He underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004, and received a liver transplant in 2009. But as recently as a few weeks ago, Mr. Jobs was negotiating business issues with another Silicon Valley executive……………………

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About loganmatteblk

I'm what many may call " the go to guy". Over the very few years I've been alive ,I've become acquainted, and made friends with some extraordinary individuals. I'm a very abstract person , I would say practice. I believe that everything in life even the most difficult of things , require only concentrated effort to be achieved, and left it the calm of one's first ...climax.

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